Mayo Clinic Filming

Fotolanthropy 7 Yards film team goes to Mayo Clinic to conduct important interviews

In October 2018, our Fotolanthropy 7 Yards team traveled to Rochester, Minnesota, to film at the renowned Mayo Clinic. There, we conducted interviews with three influential medical care team members who were a crucial part of Chris’ recovery. We greatly appreciate the Mayo Clinic’s support of this documentary and for their ongoing compassion for Chris. Because of the tremendous care he received there, we have a powerful story to tell!

The three interviews conducted at Mayo provide significant context of Chris’ medical diagnosis. We want our viewers to understand the reality of the injury Chris faced and to fully appreciate the medical expertise - coupled with Chris’ own determination and discipline - that put him on the recovery path. We also hope to advocate for those in the spinal cord injury community by raising awareness of these injuries and the incredible science that exists today to help individuals live fulfilling lives.

We began our interviews with physical therapist, Megan Gill, who was by Chris’ side during his months of rehab and therapy. Chris has said of her, “Megan was a true catalyst for my recovery. She was intense, intuitive, and progressive.” Megan was also present to witness the miracle of Chris wiggling his toe for the first time, a moment she discussed with us for the documentary.

Fotolanthropy 7 Yards Team Interviews Megan Gill of Mayo Clinic

Cinematographer David White, Director Jon Link, Megan Gill and Producer Katie Norris

Next we did a highly anticipated interview with Dr. Ronald Reeves, who has extensively researched spinal cord disorders, injuries and rehabilitation. He walked us through Chris’ x-rays, clearly explaining the complexities of the injury and discussed how extraordinary it was and is that Chris defied such medical odds.

Fotolanthropy 7 Yards film team interview Dr. Ronald Reeves of Mayo Clinic

We concluded our Mayo Clinic interviews with the one-and-only Amy Sikkink, Chris’ former physical therapy technician. Amy has an evident heart for Chris and did everything she could during her time with him to help Chris feel normal. Chris recalls, “She not only made physical therapy fun, but the highlight of my day.”

Fotolanthropy 7 Yards film team interviews Amy of Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic trip was powerful and insightful. We can’t wait to share these three interviews with you in 7 Yards.

Did you know? 7 Yards production has been made possible by generous supporters and sponsors across the country. We could not make this film without your support. To learn more about how you can get involved please visit the link below:

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